cannot get pexpect to work

Peter Hansen peter at
Fri Aug 29 13:45:54 EDT 2003

Andrei wrote:
> "Peter Hansen" <peter at> wrote in message
> news:3F4F6AF0.CA9BB337 at
> > No, but why is it asking for a new password confirmation?
> > You're just trying to log in, not change the password, aren't
> > you?  Or does actually change the passwords, not
> > just log in?  (I don't have the script.)  Have you read it?
> > Perhaps you've misinterpreted what it is supposed to do.
> that's exactly right, as I forgot to mention: it changes passwds
> on a list of remote systems, this list being the list of args to
> the script, which is now linked here btw:

Unfortunately at this moment (13:45 EDT) I get no response to
connection requests on port 80.  (That is, server is answering
pings, but no web server on standard port.)


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