Unable to run IDLE from 2.3?

Paul Moore pf_moore at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 5 16:00:20 EDT 2003

M Wells <urbanlegend at ozemail.com.au> writes:

> I recently downloaded and installed Python 2.3 for Windows (on XP
> professional) and I don't seem to be able to run IDLE from my start
> menu? It seems something happens when I click on it (ie I get an
> hourglass) but no actual application turns up.
> Has anyone else experienced this and can anyone give me some advice on
> how to fix it?

Do you have any form of "personal firewall" software? There is a known
issue when Idle is used with a (misconfigured) firewall. The problem
is that Idle relies on an internal socket connection. If the firewall
is set to block that socket, Idle won't start. There should be no need
to block traffic to IP address (the local machine) so the
firewall settings should be changed to allow this.

For a better explanation, see http://www.python.org/2.3/bugs.html

Hope this helps,
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