Py2.3: Feedback on Sets

Raymond Hettinger vze4rx4y at
Tue Aug 12 02:02:17 EDT 2003

I've gotten lots of feedback on the itertools module
but have not heard a peep about the new sets module.

* Are you overjoyed/outraged by the choice of | and &
   as set operators (instead of + and *)?

* Is the support for sets of sets necessary for your work
   and, if so, then is the implementation sufficiently

* Is there a compelling need for additional set methods like
   Set.powerset() and Set.isdisjoint(s) or are the current
   offerings sufficient?

* Does the performance meet your expectations?

* Do you care that sets can only contain hashable elements?

* How about the design constraint that the argument to most
   set methods must be another Set (as opposed to any iterable)?

* Are the docs clear?  Can you suggest improvements?

* Are sets helpful in your daily work or does the need arise
   only rarely?

User feedback is essential to determining the future direction
of sets (whether it will be implemented in C, change API,
and/or be given supporting language syntax).

Raymond Hettinger

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