Stackless needs Jobs, Sponsorship, please help!

Christian Tismer tismer at
Wed Aug 13 20:25:14 EDT 2003

Hi friends,

To be short, Stackless is in real trouble, again!

Stackless 3.0 is waiting for some final changes,
it needs to be ported to Python 2.3 (a major task),
there is lots of documentation to do...
...but I can't do it, since I need to feed the family.
At the moment, I don't have sponsorship, no contracts,
not even "normal" (non-Stackless) projects.

I urgently need your support in order to continue.

How to help?

- sponsorship by companies which are using Stackless
   is just fine, this gives me time to continue,
- jobs like helping with integrating Stackless in
   applications, or building special features,
- anything else, on a consultancy basis, would be
   just great.

At the moment, I'm really stuck and desperately searching
for *any* paid work.

Please help Stackless to survive.

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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