Advice to a Junior in High School?

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Aug 26 08:06:53 EDT 2003

Jose Rodriguez wrote:
> I agree with another post in that you should look into a real field
> where you might be able to use the computer 'hobby' aspects of it in
> your field.  For instance, be a doctor such as an oconologist,
> radiologist, or ear-noste-throat.  These are great, high paying
> positions that are becoming extremely computer intensive.  I look at
> it from the standpoint of practicality....  you'll never want for a
> job since there has been a demand in most sections of the country for
> the last 30+ years, you'll get paid a ridiculous salary, and have a
> normal work week of 25 - 50 hours.

Getting rather off-topic here, but I can't let this pass.  A 
recent survey of doctors in the Toronto area showed that something
like 70% of them felt that their work was very high stress, took
them away from their family far too much, and took much more than
25-50 hours.  The article I read (sorry, no reference...) also 
indicated that the suicide rate among doctors was much higher
than the average.

Never make a job decision based largely on salary...  do what you
want to do, and find a way to make it pay enough to live on.  
You'll be much much happier in the long run.


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