Is there some Python + IDE/RAD for real speed development???

Dave Reed drlinux at
Wed Aug 6 14:39:19 EDT 2003

On Wednesday 06 August 2003 12:35, John Hunter wrote:
> >>>>> "Edilmar" == Edilmar  <edilmar at> writes:
>     Edilmar> afirmation true?
>     Edilmar> I look at wxPython and PyGTK, but the samples showed that
>     Edilmar> we have to write MANY LINES of code to do simple
>     Edilmar> things. Many people have wrote about the advantage of
>     Edilmar> Python to write little code, but, when talking about
>     Edilmar> GUIs, I think it's not really true, right?
> pygtk works with glade, a very nice RAD tool
> John Hunter

I'll second the recommendation for glade/pygtk. It's very easy to use
and along with libglade for reading the xml file glade creates, it
takes very little code to create the GUI.

I've also written a short Python program that parses the glade-2 xml
file and creates a "skeleton" class with methods set up for all the
signal handlers the glade xml file specifies. When I get around to
finishing it, I'll release it under the GPL.


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