What's better about Ruby than Python?

Andrew Dalke adalke at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 21 12:49:12 EDT 2003

Alex Martelli:
> That's an oldstyle class -- use a newstyle one for smoothest
> and most reliable behavior of descriptors

Oops!  Yeah, forgot that too.  I do consider it a (necessary)
wart that different classes have different behaviours.

> > Is that right?
> Yes!  So what is it that you say you don't get?

Before this I didn't realize the process of __getattr__
had changed to allow the __get__ to work.  I thought
properties were done at assignment time rather than
lookup time, and that the hooks were located in
something done with __getattribute__

After stepping through it, with Raymond's descriptor
next to me, I think I now understand it.

> If obj is such that it can be used as a key into a dict
> (weak or otherwise), sure.  Many class instances of some
> interest can't -- and if they can you may not like the
> result.  COnsider e.g.
> class Justanyclass:
>     def __init__(self, x): self.x = x
>     def compute(self, y): return self.x + y
> pretty dangerous to cache THIS compute method -- because,
> as a good instance method should!, it depends crucially
> on the STATE of the specific instance you call it on.

But if someone were to use a method call cache on it
then I would have expected that person to know if its
use was relevant.

>  Anyway, I just wanted to
> show how the descriptor concept lets you use a class,
> rather than a function, when you want to -- indeed any
> function now has a __get__ method, replacing (while
> keeping the semantics of) the old black magic.

Yep.  Using a class is to be prefered over my
def-with-nested-scope trick.

                    dalke at dalkescientific.com

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