py2exe service doesn't work, can't connect to service controller ?

Brad Clements bkc at
Tue Aug 19 09:56:45 EDT 2003

I'm trying to get a simple service to work with py2exe and python 2.3

I get this error when I start it (after registering it)

The description for Event ID ( 240 ) in Source ( UMXWIN32SVC ) cannot be found. The local 
computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages 
from a remote computer. The following information is part of the event: 1063, The service process 
could not connect to the service controller..

I then tried the sample MyService and I get the same problem. After building it, I then 
register it then try to start it, but it fails.

The description for Event ID ( 240 ) in Source ( MyService ) cannot be found. The local computer may 
not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote 
computer. The following information is part of the event: 1063, The service process could not connect 
to the service controller..

The contents of the dist directory for the sample MyService is

 Directory of C:\temp\py2exe\MyService

08/19/2003  09:55a      <DIR>          .
08/19/2003  09:55a      <DIR>          ..
08/19/2003  09:55a             324,416 MyService.exe
05/30/2003  06:12p             847,920 python22.dll
07/29/2003  06:54p             974,900 python23.dll
01/18/2002  04:44p              65,536 PyWinTypes22.dll
07/27/2003  10:23p              86,084 PyWinTypes23.dll
07/27/2003  10:23p              61,497 win32api.pyd
07/27/2003  10:23p              28,731 win32event.pyd
07/27/2003  10:23p              28,732 win32evtlog.pyd
07/27/2003  10:23p              28,733 win32service.pyd
07/29/2003  06:55p              57,392 _sre.pyd

(Note the double copying of pythonxx.dll's)

The registry entry looks ok.

Any ideas?

Brad Clements,                bkc at   (315)268-1000                          (315)268-9812 Fax                   AOL-IM: BKClements

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