Script to remove SoBig/F virus from POP3 mailbox

Skip Montanaro skip at
Mon Aug 25 09:41:06 EDT 2003

    Alex> Under the gun, I've written a Python script to delete emails
    Alex> containing this latest virus/worm (Sobig-F) from a POP3 mailbox.

    >> I wrote something similar today for scrubbing Mailman 2.1 pending
    >> administrative requests.

    Alex> Heck, why not post? "When in doubt, ship it out." :)

It's available as

    Alex> Actually, my script was small enough to simply include in the
    Alex> newsgroup posting.

Mine too.  I just wasn't sure if that was the right way to do things in a
Mailman environment.  Clearly, if you have direct access to the machine
there are going to be faster ways to clear the backlog.


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