Python 2.3 IDLE doesn't show on Win2000

John J. Lee jjl at
Sat Aug 2 09:38:06 EDT 2003

"Andy C" <ayc8NOSPAM at> writes:

> I have this same problem at work, but at home it works fine.  Python 2.2's
> IDLE works fine on both machines.  It's only 2.3 at work.  I saw a web page
> that says that IDLE uses or something now for new processes and
> that interferes with some firewalls, but the firewall has to be on the
> machine? 

Yes.  Since never reaches the internet (or *anywhere* but
your local machine), the firewall clearly has to be on the local
machine to cause trouble.

> I don't remember the details -- it's on the Python website
> somewhere under "Known Bugs".  Oh well, I dunno what to do about it.  I'm

Configure your firewall correctly, or wait for 2.3.1.


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