ANNOUNCE: Rekall V2.0.2

Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy paddy3118 at netscape.netNOTthisBIT
Sun Aug 10 02:25:09 EDT 2003

Neil Hodgson wrote:
> John:
>>Why not take a Rekall Demo out for a test drive. Our demos are fully
>>functional with a 60 minute time limitation (the Windows demo has a 15 day
>>time limit), but they will run again. You can find the demos on either of
>>two web sites, and
>    All links from the top level page require registration, even those that
> may explain what the product does.
>    Neil
I'll second that.

They need to state on the Menu just what is available for the casual 
browser, or only show what is available to the casual browser until they 
have registered.

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