How remove Tcl/Tk fom py2exe distribution?

Thomas Heller theller at
Sat Aug 16 07:09:10 EDT 2003

"Michael Peuser" <mpeuser at> writes:

>> In case I'm missing something: you could always, as part of your
>> build, just delete files from the py2exe-generated build
>> directory. For example, at the end of your script, add some
>> lines to delete the tk/tcl files from your build path.  I've used
>> this "strategy" sometimes when building py2exe apps that use the
>> Python Imaging Library.  (PIL has tcl/tk import dependencies, but
>> doesn't actually need tcl/tk for the majority of its functions.)

IMO --exclude Tkinter should also work.

> I tried this! This will not help, because - in this case - Tkinter *is*
> used. The importer just does not find it (probably because py2exe modifies
> its behaviour....
> This is why I use
>         Tkinter= __import__("Tkinter")
> But this does not wort either...

Ok. First you should make sure that Tkinter is not found and copied by
py2exe. The '--exclude' flag could be used, or the above __import__

Then, you should make sure that your executable finds the 'standard'
Tkinter module (and tcl/tk) installation by including the proper
directory into sys.path. Normally py2exe takes some care to *not* find
modules or packages from a Python installation on the system.

A little experimentation is probably needed, and hacking py2exe could
maybe help. You can change this code (in py2exe\, near line
        header = struct.pack("<iii",
                             self.optimize, # optimize
                             0, # verbose
into this
        header = struct.pack("<iii",
                             self.optimize, # optimize
                             1, # verbose
and the resulting executable will trace import statements.


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