converting an integer to a string

John Roth newsgroups at
Wed Aug 6 07:33:09 EDT 2003

"Skip Montanaro" <skip at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1060139050.10265.python-list at
>     Ken> I have a quick simple question. How do you convert an integer to
>     Ken> string in Python?
> Take your pick:
>     str(someint)
>     repr(someint)
>     `someint`
>     '%d' % someint
> Which is most appropriate may well depend on your tastes and your context.
> `someint` is just syntactic sugar for repr(someint), and is falling out of
> favor with many people.  In the case of integers, str(someint) and
> repr(someint) are the same, so your choice there is a tossup unless you
> str()'ing or repr()'ing other objects as well (str() generally tries to be
> "readable", repr() generally tries to be "parseable").  For most types
> repr() and str() generate different output.  The experiment is probably
> educational enough to perform once, so I won't go into detail.
> The %-format version is appropriate if you want to embed it into a larger
> string, e.g.:
>     '%s is %d years old' % (person, age)
> Don't forget the dict form as well:
>     '%(name)s is %(age)d years old' % locals()

The % format also allows you some formatting options that the others

John Roth
> Skip

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