
Andrew Dalke adalke at
Mon Aug 4 15:07:27 EDT 2003

John Roth:
> So, are you saying that this would have returned -1, rather than 1?

No, and I don't know how you thought I suggested it.  If PyTrue returned
-1 before then "True = (1==1)" would not provide the right compatibility
between different Python versions and so would not be an appropriate
suggestion at all.

You must have misread the text from the second URL
in it, Mark Hammond said:
> The only thing that I can see changing is the literal value of the
> boolean field - currently, the conversion from VT_BOOL to integer will
> result in 0 or -1.  PyTrue is 1

The boolean returned from COM is -1.  PyTrue is (and was) 1.

                    dalke at

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