What's TOTALLY COMPELLING about Ruby over Python?

Doug Tolton dtolton at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 19 12:18:24 EDT 2003

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 20:18:09 -0400, "John Roth"
<newsgroups at jhrothjr.com> wrote:

>I've been on c.l.py for around two years. Your statement
>is rude and assumes things you have not bothered to check
>There is a very simple rule for dealing with trolls, which most
>usenet newbies learn sooner or later. If you think someone is
>trolling, simply ignore them. Don't answer their posts, don't
>comment on them, don't even give them the gratification of
>a reply that says: "plonk!" Just killfile them and quit wasteing
>bandwidth. You've got better things to do with your time than
>maintaining an interaction that you find aggrevating.

You're right, I did make an assumption that you were new to the group.
A lot of people who are new make posts just like you did.  Saying we
shouldn't be too harsh on Brandon, after a while they realize maybe he
is just a troll.

Perhaps my post was a bit rude, I shouldn't have automatically assumed
you were new to this NG, although I am a bit baffled at hearing a long
time c.l.p reading calling Every anything but a troll.  You have to
admit, that is atypical.

Doug Tolton
(format t "~a@~a~a.~a" "dtolton" "ya" "hoo" "com")

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