time, calendar, datetime, etc

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Sun Aug 3 13:20:03 EDT 2003

[Tim, explains that the datetime module's date ordinals were
 deliberately defined to be identical to those used in

> Dershowitz and Reingold's highly regarded "Calendrical Calculations":
>    http://emr.cs.iit.edu/home/reingold/calendar-book/second-edition/

[Dennis Lee Bieber]
>         Pity the book uses LISP (at least, the first edition did)...
> Even BASIC would be more accessible to most folks <G> (though I would
> prefer a modern BASIC over G-whiz or older).

I'd prefer Python, myself.  It would be a fun (for a date weenie <wink>)
project to recode these algorithms Pythonically.  I hope someone does.

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