Modifying the {} and [] tokens

Michael C. Neel neel at
Mon Aug 25 11:58:37 EDT 2003

> The problem here is that, when looking at d1 + d2, it is not 
> obvious what is 
> going on.  If the same key appears in both d1 and d2, what 
> will the resulting 
> dict have?  The value in d1?  The value in d2?  Or maybe an 
> exception will be 
> raised?  Different people will have different notions here 
> about what is 
> "obvious" and "natural".
> "Pick one and make that the standard" may work in some other 
> languages, but 
> that is usually not how Python's design works.  If there is 
> not "one obvious 
> way", chances are it won't make it into the language.  (Of 
> course, there are 
> exceptions... but this seems to be a rule-of-thumb.)

Sadly, I think python is taking this too far, and spends more time
debating operators than advancing the language.  This has kept out ?:
and += from being allowed.  And in Geoff's case here, if Python
supported traditional C++ like operator overloading, then we could have
the best of both worlds - he doesn't "replace" the builting dict, but
creates a new dict class and overloads {} and +,- or whatever else he

Coming up with a solution that everyone likes is not going to happen...
ever (re: ', '.join([]) ).  but we shouldn't rule out something because
there is not a uniamous vote (if that were so, we would have no join

IMHO of cource,

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