Python vs. C#

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery at
Tue Aug 12 15:04:05 EDT 2003

Heiko Wundram wrote:
> And, is having an interpreted language really such a major concern in
> the age of computers operating at 2000+ Mhz?

For those of us who are going to continue to increase our triangle counts,
yes it is a concern.  But if we can find a way to do those parts of the code
in C++, and gracefully integrate them, the concern goes away.

> And I
> don't really want to express game logic, such as computer player AI,
> or the like, in C++. Do you?

C++ is appropriate for low-level AI, such as pathfinding and terrain
analysis.  I would not want to do high level AI in C++, and probably game
logic would be better done in something else.  The question is, what price
do you pay for integration?

> Isn't a renderer and a game engine a big system architecture? I didn't
> just prototype it in Python, I could offer a complete system, which
> was
> very extensible. I could've never managed this in any other langauge
> without the usual headaches.

Yes it is, but you didn't write a big system architecture in 72 hours.

> And to a sidenote: Unix has always had a .NET Framework. The libraries
> .NET tries to standardize have been available on Unix since a long
> time.

I"m talking about language interoperability because of the Intermediate

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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