system call in python

Michael Hudson mwh at
Thu Aug 14 09:41:25 EDT 2003

Graham Fawcett <fawcett at> writes:

> On an editorial aside, I'd nominate the "commands" module as a Python
> wart.

I seem to recall python-dev agrees with you...

> It's not that the functions in this module aren't useful, but why
> are they divorced from the very-much-related commands in the "os"
> module?
> IIWG (If I were Guido) I think I would at least sub-package this
> module as os.commands (in the spirit of os.path). While I was at it,
> I'd probably do the same for shutil (--> os.shutil).

Hmm.  In a way, os is already too fat, I'm not sure *more* stuff
should end up in there.  If it was a real package, then maybe
os.commands,, os.shutil would make sense, but it's not.

Occasionally people suggest that you should get at the standard
library by doing something like

from org.python import socket

but then Guido shoots them :-)

> The Python standard library is full of dark corners bearing wondrous
> mysteries, a Library of Alexandria full of useful code... but surely
> even Alexandria's librarians put similar scrolls on the same shelf!

This is what Alex Martelli is for :-)


  If I didn't have my part-time performance art income to help pay
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  lifestyle.                                -- Jeff Bauer, 21 Apr 2000

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