Brandon's abrasive style (was Re: What's better about Ruby than Python?)

Dave Harrison dave at
Tue Aug 19 00:46:10 EDT 2003

> I ask tough questions about Python vs. other languages and platforms.

Quite frankly most people of your ilk have a tendency to winge and complain about "missing features" or "bad design" but do nothing to contribute to the language.  I fail to see why this puts you in any position to ask the "tough questions" as you put it.  If you see something you consider to be a weakness, suggest a solution, don't winge about the fact that it exists.

> - Python is not a good language for low-level 3D graphics problems.  C++ is
> better.
> - Python isn't a rapid prototyping godsend for every problem out there.
> - GUI and tools support can end up being more important than language
> niceties.

So what ?  It is simply impossible to have one language that does it all, essentially why there are so many different ways of combining Python with other languages.

> - Microsoft C# and .NET are strategic threats to Python's prosperity and
> vitality, if not survival.
> - Pythonistas should consider trying to eat Java's lunch, because they
> aren't going to eat Microsoft's lunch.
> - Ruby has some mindshare among people with knowledge of Python.
> - Yet unnamed languages are capable of taking Python's place on the food
> chain.
> - You have to promote your language, grow its market share, to prevent that
> from happening.

Who cares ?  If you want to go stick up posters for Python go for it.

You certainly appear like a troll, so how about a few suggested solutions to these so called problems you raised ?

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