Metaclass discussons

David Mertz mertz at
Sat Aug 23 23:50:58 EDT 2003

Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer at> wrote previously:
|Can you imagine any alternative which is not based on the same concept
|(executing the module code on a hacked context)?

In Gnosis Utilities, the function gnosis.magic.import_with_metaclass()
does basically the same thing, but a bit more neatly packaged up.  You
might give that a try for imposing metaclasses on older code.

Michele Simionato has proposed some enhancements to resolve issues of
metatype conflicts, but I haven't quite decided to bundle them up in
Gnosis, since that add quite a bit of complication that is not needed
95% of the time.  But one day, I suppose I will.  However, he has posted
the same general concepts to ActiveState's Python Cookbook; and the
article by my Michele and I that discusses some of this should FINALLY
appear at IBM developerWorks this week (we wrote it quite some months
ago; and it's been available on my website for some of the interim).

Yours, David...

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