Problem dealing with cookies

Fazer faizan at
Sun Aug 3 00:35:46 EDT 2003


I have the following code:

import cgi
import Cookie

C = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
C["moo"] = "f"
C["moo"]["path"] = "/"
C["moo"]["expires"] = 60*60*60*60

#Print the headers
print C
print "Content-Type: text/html\n"

#Print starting html
print "<html><head><title>Cookie</title></head><body>"

form = cgi.FieldStorage()

if C['moo'].value != "f":
	print "I remember you %s" % (C["moo"].value)

elif form.has_key("name") and C["moo"].value == "f":
	print "Thank you %s!" % (form["name"].value)
	C["moo"] = form['name'].value
	print '<form method="POST" action="">'
	print '<input type="text" name="name">'
	print '</form>'

print "</body></html>"

I am new in learning Python and I can't get this to work.  Basically,
it asks you to input something and thanks you with the display of what
you entered.

It should remember you.  SO when you refresh, it should say that it
remembers you.  But it doesn't and shows the input box again.

What could possibly be wrong here?

Thanks in advance!


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