Potentially important real-time on-line discussion

Kyler Laird Kyler at news.Lairds.org
Sat Aug 2 22:18:20 EDT 2003

"Luciano ES" <me at privacy.net> writes:

>I think that another big question that strikes many companies is: "if I
>make the source available, what will stop anyone from compiling the
>source themselves and using it for free (illegally)?", or "if I make
>the source available, what will stop anyone from using some of my best
>ideas and becoming my competitor?"

People pay (what I consider to be) lots of money for me to write software
for them.  I insist that it be open source (which makes for interesting
contract negotiations sometimes).  I would be *thrilled* if someone took
my code and used it.  My value is in providing solutions - not shielding
intellectual property from use.


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