Detect PythonWin?

Martin Bless mb at
Sat Aug 2 05:20:52 EDT 2003

[Brett g Porter:]

>Is there a subtle reason that you can't pass the arguments using the 
>"Arguments" field on the PythonWin "Run Script" dialog?

(1) Yes, there is, very subtle =:-)
[shame ON] I simply have overlooked the argument field since that long
- unbelievable. [shame OFF] Got that very much used to pressing ctrl+r
or F10 that I never really noticed the dialog anymore. Once you're
blind, ...

(2) But: I need the PythonWin detector as well

- to skip code that doesn't run (well) in PythonWin (e. g. low level

- to conditionally set hardcoded breakpoints for analyses

- to turn off verbose output, for instance a counter which is
displayed in a single line of the command window. Now I can do

cnt = 0
for item in items:
    cnt += 1
    if sys.modules.has_key('pywin'):
        "or display in a message box. How is that done???"
        print cnt,  # stay in line
        msvcrt.putchr('\r')  # carriage return to beginning of line

(3) Thank you all for answering. Writing either

if 'pywin' in dir():

or, I think, better:

import sys
if CHECKPYWIN and sys.modules.has_key('pywin'):

is exactly what I need. Seems robust enough. And additionally, to be
on the safe side, I will set the 'constant' CHECKPYWIN to False once
testing is done, leaving no ambiguities.

(4) I'd love to see this issue addressed somewhere in the PythonWin

thank you all


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