Replace every n instances of a string

Bengt Richter bokr at
Fri Aug 15 22:33:21 EDT 2003

On 15 Aug 2003 14:25:57 -0700, thomasacross at (Tom Cross) wrote:

>I have a function that returns to me a text representation of Unicode
>data, which looks like this:
>I would like to add carriage returns to this for usability.  But I
>don't want to add a return after each "\u" I encounter in the text
>(regexp comes to mind if I did).  I want to add a return after each 12
>"\\u"s I encounter in the string.
>Any ideas?  Do I not want to search for "\\u" but instead just insert
>a \n after each 72 characters (equivalent to 12 \uXXXX codes)?  Would
>this provide better performance?  If so, what would be the easiest way
>to do that?
>Thanks much!
If you are sure of the uniform format, you might try (testes as far as you see here ;-):

>>> def breakatn(s, n=72): return '\n'.join([s[i:i+n] for i in xrange(0,len(s),n)]+[''])
>>> print breakatn('0123456789'*20, 72)

>>> print breakatn('0123456789'*6, 25)

The [''] is to get a last item for join to put a \n between it and what precedes.

Bengt Richter

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