My future Python IDE article

Alan James Salmoni alan_salmoni at
Wed Aug 27 10:47:11 EDT 2003

Hi David,

Although a lot of posters have recommended Emacs (and maybe Vim too?),
I would avoid reviewing it (them) simply because it's been done so
many times already.

Personally, I would include:

1) SciTE - cross-platform, multi-language etc. It alters the font for
different elements of code (eg, comments are in one font, code in
another which, along with different colours, makes different sections
easy to locate - for me at least!).
2) Leo - I have tried to use this, but am not really up to speed with
it. However, it seems interesting, and like a previous poster said, it
could be used for many tasks. It seems quite powerful once it is

All the best!

Alan James Salmoni
SalStat Statistics

mertz at (David Mertz) wrote in message news:<mailman.1061920192.21278.python-list at>...
> Pythonistas,
> My loyal fans :-) will remember that I did a Python IDE roundup for
> _Charming Python_ a couple years back.  Now I have another such roundup
> lined up... not the very next article, but it's there on the list.
> In the intervening years, I've hardly touched anything one might call an
> IDE.  I've looked at screenshots from time to time, and read various
> announcements.  But really I just use text editors and command lines.
> Here's the thing:  I probably have room to look at about four different
> tools in one article.  In fact, it wouldn't be absurd to only do three.
> Past that, I cannot do more than list contact information and platform
> in the available words.  I'm sure there are more than four IDEs that
> -someone- loves to work with out there... but I need to have a cutoff.
> So readers... make the case for your favorite one getting on the
> list.  I have a while to ponder the opinions advanced, should this
> prompt some discussion (it may take a little while to order review
> copies of commercial tools and/or get things installed).
> Yours, David...

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