dict->XML->dict? Or, passing small hashes through text?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Aug 15 01:19:51 EDT 2003

    mack> I'm basically passing little messages around, which are basically
    mack> just hashes, and up until now, I was using a dict that I formatted
    mack> to/parsed from a special syntax, but I keep running into growing
    mack> pains with that.  I'm using SocketServer, and each connection
    mack> sends one line of data, and then the connection is closed by the
    mack> server.

Check out xmlrpclib in the Python distribution for quite awhile.  It also
interoperates with XML-RPC libraries written in other languages.  There are
plenty of other choices as well, including Pyro (Irmen de Jong I believe)
and an XML-based pickle format from David Mertz (check
http://www.gnosis.cx/), not to mention using marshal or pickle then
transporting the strings using SocketServer.


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