What's better about Rattlesnakes than Pythons?

Andrew Dalke adalke at mindspring.com
Mon Aug 18 05:21:17 EDT 2003

Brandon J. Van Every:
> If
> you want to live in a desert, and you want to hear your pet easily, you're
> better off with a rattlesnake.

So I live in a desert.  I recently involuntarily acquired some
mouse housemates, which I want to get rid of (and are keeping
me up late tonight because I can hear the occasional rustle.)

Would Rattlesnake or Python be better at de-mousing my house?
Do either come with an IDE?  (Infestation Devouring Engine)
Do either need a lot of support?  Are there books on the topic?

Blah.  I'm up too late to make even my normal medium quality
quips.  Tomorrow it'll be trap shopping day.  Again.  Caught
two already in glue traps.

                    dalke at dalkescientific.com

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