[Zope-dev] Zope 2.7 running with Stackless 3.0

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Thu Aug 28 22:42:33 EDT 2003

Michael Geary wrote:


> As much as like Python, I *really* miss the Edit and Continue feature from
> Visual C++. It's truly liberating to be able to change my code right in the
> midst of debugging it, with all its state preserved. I often write a
> skeleton for a function, start it up, and then finish coding it while I'm
> running it.

There is the general Python problem, that a running frame does
not exactly know about its function object. There is only a name
and a filename available in the code object, and the code object
is the only thing a frame knows about.
I think to propose a PEP about this.

> Even short of that, none of the Python debuggers I've tried support a Set
> Next Statement command like Visual C++ does. That itself is mighty useful.
> Maybe Stackless would make it possible to support this?

In most cases Stackless could do that.
Given a reliable way to deduce the module/function from a frame
(see above), it would be possible to edit the function, create
a new code object, and create a new frame.

not-a-task-for-this-weekend-anyway -- ly 'yrs - chris

p.s.: Please Delete.This. - we are all fighting SPAM.

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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