How many of you are Extreme Programmers?

Christopher Blunck blunck at
Wed Apr 16 10:30:46 EDT 2003

Was just reading a thread about how python implements protected and
private methods.  I found JP's response quite interesting (this is
something I've heard numerous friends of mine say of the language):

[In Python] everything is permissible, but not
everything is opportune.  And that is very much Python's philosophy:
rather than focusing on trying to make some things impossible (and
generally failing -- a simple cast in most implementations of C++ lets
you blast away any "protected" that a silly library designer may have
tried to impose on you;-), Python empowers and trusts the programmer.

The natural response a non-Python programmer has to this statement is,
"what?!  you __trust__ the programmer?!  that doesn't work in most
environments."  Despite the ignorance this response demonstrates, I
none-the-less thought about the statement and the answer I came up
with was "we write lots of really thorough tests to demonstrate

That got me to thinking:  continuous testing is a cornerstone of the
XP methodology.  <generalization>And Python programmers typically
write lots of tests</generalization> (at least more than their Java
counterparts from what I've seen).  That being said, can that
generalization be extended to "Python programmers subscribe to the XP

So how many of you guys use XP processes?

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