What are the differences between SWIG and Boost.Python?

Mike Rovner mike at bindkey.com
Fri Apr 4 17:20:42 EST 2003

FWIW, I decided for myself:

- wrap small C libs with Pyrex,
- wrap big C libs with SWIG,
- wrap small C++ libs with boost.python,
- wrap big C++ with (I still have to do that ;)


For me small is tens, big is hundreds and more

"sdieselil" <sdieselil at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:169a7283.0304040821.9ad0976 at posting.google.com...
> Hi
> I want to write C extension for Python. I know that there are 2 most
> popular libraris for this purpose: SWIG and Boost.Python. What are the
> differences between them? Which one is better for little extensions
> and which is better for large-scale extensions?
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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