Web programming and a different "type" problem

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Tue Apr 29 18:19:37 EDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-04-29 at 07:50, Dave Cole wrote:
> Albatross solves this yet another way.  As input tags are processed by
> the template interpreter the form tag accumulates a summary of all the
> input fields.  When the form is closed the summary is then pickled,
> MD5 signed with a secret, compressed, and base64 encoded in a hidden
> field.

You mean, it takes the expected names?  Like a form:

Object 1: <input type=checkbox name="id*" value=1>
Object 4: <input type=checkbox name="id*" value=4>

You create a hash of (in this small form) just "id*", and so confirm the
user isn't sending extra fields, or changing field names?

Seems a little odd... or are you doing something else?  There's always
the issue of the security of hidden fields, but that's kind of a
different issue.


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