Stackless 3.0 alpha 1 at blinding speed

Christian Tismer tismer at
Sat Apr 19 00:03:40 EDT 2003

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Steven Taschuk <staschuk at> writes:
>>>At the same time, I dismissed all of my Stackless 1.0 code, which was
>>>continuation-based, an absolute no-no in Guido's eyes. [...]
>>Is there a short way to say why Guido didn't want continuations?
> He didn't like the implementation strategy; I believe he was neutral
> about the feature per se.

No, he was not. He believes continuations are an insane feature,
and he hates them. Said that several times in private emails.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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