Stackless 3.0 alpha 1 at blinding speed

Anton Vredegoor anton at
Sun Apr 20 03:23:12 EDT 2003

Courageous <jkraska at> wrote:

>grokked what you did. Probably Python's not the language for a
>construct where the author expresses surprise that seasoned
>programming veterans "get" his work, you know?

It's one thing to follow the adagium to keep Python as simple as
possible. It's quite another thing (in fact the opposite thing, seen
from some perspective) to throw out anything because it's too
complicated. These kinds of religious aberrations are common these
days, unfortunately. I'd be interested in an explanation of what
continuations are and what their advantages would be. It wouldn't
surprise me in the least if unexperienced programmers would have no
difficulties with them while programmers with more cognitive ballast
would have trouble integrating the new stuff into their mental


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