A python server

dansan santacruz at southern.edu
Mon Apr 14 11:51:46 EDT 2003

Hello all!

I have read and re-read the PY Sockets HOWTO, and I guess I'm still in
the dark about how to do some stuff.

I'm trying to write a little server that will allow connections via
telnet-like clients to play a board game.  The server would wait for a
wile for connections, and at some point, it would read a command from
the CLI on the server that says <startTournament>.  The server would
then generate a tournament schedule and start the games.  Since these
are turn-based games, the server would have to give each player its
<go> command (and start a timer) in the proper sequence.

I guess I'm having dificult with the higher-level desing of such a
system.  Right now my desing is very primitive, and has a LOT of

 # start
 # loop-waiting-for-connections (can't break out of this from cli yet)
 # make tournament schedule
 # run-games

I have program in other programming languages before, and lately I've
been doing some python.  So far I have enjoyed it a lot, so I wanted
to give this project a try in py.  Any help would be greatly
appreciated, in higher level desing as well as in lower-level code
snippets.  URL to documentation are also invaluable :)

Thanks a ton.

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