i18n in a library

Mathias Waack mathias-usenet at valpo.de
Wed Apr 23 04:07:25 EDT 2003

I'm using some different applications which all use the same package.   
Lets assume there are app "A" and "B" and a package "L". Now I've got 
a question regarding the translation of these apps: 

It's easy to prepare translation using gettext.py. But I don't want 
to include all strings from the library in each app. So I get 3 
files: A.po, B.po and L.po. Is it possible to setup the gettext 
module to use both A.po and L.po to lookup strings for app A? 

I think there must be a simple solution because this should be a 
common problem for each library writer. But I can't find a solution 
in the python docs:(


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