Tkinter - tkFileDialog - need help

Klaus Meyer km-news1 at
Fri Apr 25 04:59:51 EDT 2003

Hello Eric,

> Tk uses the regular "open file" dialog from Windows , so the only known 
> way (at least to me) is to configure Windows to display the hidden files.

thanks, but this is not the problem, because i always have enabled this 
option. And i can see the hidden directorys in win-explorer, but not in 
tkFileDialog. So it seems that tkFileDialog has its own "show/don't show 
hidden dirs" flag???
But how to enable this?

If this is not possible, than i have a problem... :-(

Does Tkinter have a other function to open a directory select box?

I just tried tkFileDialog.askopenfile(initialdir="C:/", title="Test").
Surprise! This dialog shows the hidden directorys!!

But i could not use this, because i need a dircectory-name, not a file.

Gruß - regards Klaus :-)

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