Divided by a common language (was: OO + Python Developers Wanted)

Nick Vargish nav at adams.patriot.net
Fri Apr 25 13:32:47 EDT 2003

claird at lairds.com (Cameron Laird) writes:

> >Which "City" would that be?
> <URL: http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/ >

Oh, then he should have specified, "The City", and I would have known
he meant Mother London. Here in Amerika, we have a number of urban
locales that consider themselves "the City"...


#include<stdio.h> /* SigMask 0.3 (sig.c) 19990429 PUBLIC DOMAIN "Compile Me" */
int main(c,v)char *v;{return !c?putchar(*v-1)&&main(0,v+ /* Tweaks welcomed. */
1):main(0,"Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAqbusjpu/ofu?\v\1");}  /* build: cc -o sig sig.c */

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