Pythonic way of web-programming

Ian Bicking ianb at
Sun Apr 6 14:30:05 EDT 2003

On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 22:32, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> Ian Bicking <ianb at> wrote:
> > The next step I can envision would be for Twisted to become the
> > canonical infrastructure, where higher-level web frameworks are all
> > built ontop of it.
> That's not feasible.  Some applications would require extensive
> modification to work on top of an event driven framework.

That was my initial impression too, but you don't have to program in the
Twisted/async style in order to use Twisted as a base -- Twisted can
spawn threads and wait for responses from those threads.  I've been
thinking about this for Webware, and I don't think there would need to
be any change to user's code (and actually only very minimal changes to
Webware's code -- mostly just deleting the parts that are redundant with
Twisted and making a few wrappers).

It does change the installation procedure and some of the management --
which is okay in Twisted but not great.  However, none of the frameworks
are great, and if we consolidate we have a better chance at improvement.


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