Cross-reference 'import' in a class hierarchy

Ben Finney bignose-hates-spam at
Tue Apr 8 00:55:09 EDT 2003

On Tue, 08 Apr 2003 15:44:10 +1200, Greg Ewing (using wrote:
> It's been suggested before (and I happen to agree) that Python should
> provide a general way of making *relative* references to modules or
> packages.

I continue to be amazed that there's simply no way to say

  import "../foo/"

as should be possible to implement any well-architected class hierarchy.

Anyone who can show me otherwise gets a jelly baby.

 \        "If it ain't bust don't fix it is a very sound principle and |
  `\      remains so despite the fact that I have slavishly ignored it |
_o__)                                  all my life."  -- Douglas Adams | 9CFE12B0 791A4267 887F520C B7AC2E51 BD41714B

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