Reading/writing files

Asun Friere afriere at
Tue Apr 15 02:03:41 EDT 2003

Brian Quinlan <brian at> 
> How do you want the list represented in the file? One element per line?
Maybe he wants them represented as lists (ie as a string representation of the list)

You _could_ do this:


#create some sample listage

#open a file to write these to, convert em to strings and write em.
outfile = file('lists.txt', 'w') #note the write flag
for lizt in x, y, z :
    outfile.write(str(lizt) + '\n')

#now read them back into 'collection'
collection = []
infile = file('lists.txt', 'r') #read flag is optional
for line in infile :

#ok lets test that the collection really is [x, y, z]
print collection == [x,y,z] and "It worked!" or "Darn!"
#Note: don't use this last idiom, unless you understand why
#(and when) it is unsafe.  Gee, I really wish 308 would fly
#so people would stop writing stuff like this! :p

As I said you _could_ do this, but you should probably try this code instead:

import pickle; help(pickle)

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