dll load failed: cannot find file specified

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Sun Apr 13 13:33:06 EDT 2003

I am using python 2.2.2 from the win32 installer from python.org.  I
am trying to import the gtk.gtkgl package, which is the python
extension to gtkglext.  I get the error on the gdkgl import line

  ImportError: DLL load failed.  The system cannot find the file

Normally, I would think this meant the DLLs from the C lib weren't in
the PATH environment variable, but they are: I can run the C examples
and I can load all the pygtkglext *.pyd files in Dependency Walker
without errors.  I have installed the GTK runtime, those libs are in
my PATH, and pygtk 1.99.16 is running fine.  But something is going
wrong when I try and import pygtkglext into python.

Any ideas what can be causing this message, or suggestions for how to
debug what is going wrong, or other advice?

John Hunter

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