List of Numbers

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Sat Apr 5 14:24:14 EST 2003

On Saturday 05 April 2003 11:13, Simon Faulkner wrote:
> I have a list of about 5000 numbers in a text file - up to 14 digits
> each.
> I need to check for duplicates.
> What would people suggest as a good method?
> Simon

the canonical approach is is to place the numbers in a hash (dictionary in 
python) where the value is the key and stored data is the number of 

for each number
   see if dict has number as a key
   if it does, increment the count
   else add the number to the dictionary and set the count to 1

then you just look for any dictionary elements with a count greater than 1.
Or if you just want uniques, you just ask the dictionary for its keys() list.

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