String splitting question

Nicola Paolucci durdn at!.invalid
Wed Apr 9 14:08:02 EDT 2003

Hello Jim,

Jim Shady wrote:
> I have a string:
> abcd/df/a/iiwk/abcdefghijkl/b/c
> I need to get the longest string between the /s of the string. For
> example, longest_str() for the above line should return
> 'abcdefghijkl'. How do I go about doing this?

I didn't read all the other replies since I wanted to come up with a 
solution myself (so all excuse me if somebody suggested a similar thing):

 >>> p = 'abcd/df/a/iiwk/abcdefghijkl/b/c'
 >>> max([(len(e),e) for e in p.split('/')])[1]

This did it for me.

Best regards,
	Nicola Paolucci

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