stupid q-n (wxPy)

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Apr 29 13:37:20 EDT 2003

xam wrote:
> I am trying to run some wxPy samples and I am getting an error here:
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     import sys,os
>     import run
>     run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])])
> - "import run" fails. I know this is something really stupid, but I could
> not find the answer on the net.
> thanks.

What is "run"?  Where is it?  Are you sure the script you are running
can find ""?  If there's no in the directory of the script
you show above, insert a "print sys.path" after the first import statement
and make sure the list it prints contains the directory where is
actually installed.

A little more detail/context would be helpful next time.


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