Making python module using Borland C++ 5

Rami Saarinen rs55862 at
Tue Apr 8 06:15:14 EDT 2003

I am trying to build a simple module for python (2.1.1) using the 
Borland C++ Builder 5. I have managed to go as far as:

* used the coff2omf program to convert the python21.lib to omf format 
(guess how log it took to get past this..)

* the module is a crude and simple glue (for testing purposes) between 
python and a rule-engine (CLIPS) and looks like this:

PyMethodDef clipsMethods[] = {
   {"run",      pyclips_run,         METH_VARARGS},
   {"getMove",  pyclips_getMove,     METH_VARARGS},
   {"reset",    pyclips_reset,       METH_VARARGS},
   {NULL,       NULL,              NULL}

void _declspec(dllexport) initpyclips(void) {
   (void) Py_InitModule("pyclips", clipsMethods);

(th-ng.clp is a rule-based version of tower-of-hanoi solver).

Everything goes fine (after I removed the _DEBUG flag) and the dll 
builds without errors. However, when I actually try to run the python 
code that uses the module I get the following error message:

File "", line 1, in ?
   import pyclips
ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initpyclips)

Any ideas? Or am I totally lost and in error here?

I have been able to build and use the module in Linux without any 
trouble at all. I also managed to make the module in Windows using VC++ 
(that required a bit of manual helping) and it worked fine. However, I 
may be forced to get it done using Borland so ...

Well, I have been learning a lot about making static and dynamic 
libraries on Windows (as well as using these graphical thingies), a 
topic I had no idea about few weeks ago.. 8)

Thanks in advance.

Rami Saarinen

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