
Steven Hodgen steven at twitch.net
Sun Apr 27 12:57:18 EDT 2003


I'm currently teaching a high-school introduction to programming course.  
I'm currently teaching in Java, but am seriously considering changing to 
Python.  The problem is that I cannot seem to find any good textbooks, much 
less ones for students with no prior programming experience.  This is the 
one area in which Java excels.  I'm using an awesome programming 
environment called "BlueJ", and there are lots of textbooks for students at 
all levels.

However, Java is not a great language for beginners.  Python, on the other 
hand, is ideal.  If I can find a textbook that is even ok, I may consider 
changing, since the language is so much better for students at this level.  
Doesn anyone know of a book like this?  Ideally, it would have examples and 
excercises, and perhaps even a web-site with other instructor and student 


steven at twitch.net

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