Need help with Python porting

Skip Montanaro skip at
Tue Apr 8 09:18:30 EDT 2003

    Guru> I am currently porting Python to Netware. I would really
    Guru> appreciate if someone could tell me where I could find a reference
    Guru> implementation for Netware. I downloaded the 2.2.2 source from
    Guru> for Linux.  Could someone give me a pointer as to how
    Guru> to go about modifying this code so that it works for NetWare.

Try searching Google for "Python Netware".  The first item returned is a
reference to a Python Conference paper from 2000 by Brad Clements, "NetWare
Programming with Python".  He has a section about porting.  If you then back
up to the Google results page and click the "Groups" tab you'll see a few
more interesting references.


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