Paintshop Pro 8

Arthur ajsiegel at
Tue Apr 22 12:47:42 EDT 2003

>So why is this?

>* Possible Linux/Mac versions in the pipelines?
>* Don't like COM?
>* Want to promote Python?

>Anyone any insight?

I am finding Python becoming ubiquitous in applications involving graphics.
Free, opensource  and commercial.  This happens to be the realm in which I
work with Python, and it was in searching for painless access to OpenGL that
I initially found it.  Now, more amd more when I search for some
functionality in this realm, without specific concern as to its
implementation details, I am finding Python in play.  Counter intuitive in
the sense that graphics has the need for speed, which is not Python's claim
to fame. But its not the engine that's in Python in any case.

Have some theories about why Python fits so well with graphics work, which I
will spare the group.

It would, however, be great to see the graphics related Python reesources
collected in one place.

"Computer Graphics with Python" - my book, I thought of it first.


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