error in string module documentation?

Michael Anckaert xantor at
Sat Apr 19 04:22:35 EDT 2003

Hello all,
In the string module documentation I read the following:

lstrip(s[, chars])
        Return a copy of the string with leading characters removed. If
        chars is omitted or None, whitespace characters are removed. If
        given and not None, chars must be a string; the characters in
        the string will be stripped from the beginning of the string
        this method is called on.
But I get the following error from my program:

  File "./", line 35, in run_game
    item = string.lstrip(cmd, "look")
TypeError: lstrip() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

Is there an error in the documentation or is it my error?

Michael Anckaert, aka The XanTor
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